Monochromatic Colors
Monochromatic Colors. Get inspired by these beautiful monochromatic color schemes and make something cool! Monochromatic color is any set of colors that all have the same hue with different levels of white tinting and black shading.
Whoa, there are many fresh collection of examples of monochromatic colors. For example, most people are familiar with black and white photography. Monochromatic ("mono' means "one" and "chroma" means "color") color combinations have shades and tones of only one color.
That's because they are both in the Red Hue family.
There are two distinct monochromatic styles: Single Shade: A single shade color scheme uses one color without any variation in hue.
This is the perfect monochromatic color scheme for an ethereal, dreamy quality. A monochromatic color scheme means that a single base color forms the foundation of the room's color design. Monochromatic color refers to a color scheme that is comprised of variations of one color.
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