Background Color Css
Background Color Css. Color contrast ratio is determined by comparing the luminance of the text and background color values. There are two types of gradient backgrounds: linear-gradient and radial-gradient.

Similar to the overlay method background blend method is not typical background image and color technique but background-blend-mode is an advanced method of blending images and color or blending multiple images.
In addition to RGB, you can use an RGB color value with an alpha channel (RGBA) - which specifies the opacity for a color.
Here are a few ways to accomplish that: Trying to achieve a background on a page that is "split in two"; two colors on opposite sides (seemingly done by setting a default background-color on the body tag, then applying another onto a div that stretches the entire width of the window). It creates a radiant of four colors making a progressive transition from one corner to another running diagonally. You can change it using the name, RGB or HEX value of the color you choose: The background shorthand CSS property sets all background style properties at once, such as color, image, origin and size, or repeat method.
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