Complementary Colors
Complementary Colors. Complementary Two colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel. Which pairs of colors are considered complementary depends on the.
These different color schemes guide your options between selecting contrasting colors and harmonious colors, depending on the desired effect you want to achieve. fast. color schemes generator! Complementary (also known as supplementary or contrasting) colors are colors that sit opposite of each other on the Itten color circle. Primary colors are: red, blue, and yellow.
This effect is most prominent at maximum saturation.
If you image white and black as opposites, that same principle can be applied to all the colors on the color wheel.
Complementary Colors are any two Hues positioned exactly opposite each other on the Basic Color Wheel. Discover our favorite complementary color schemes. So blue is a complement of orange, red is a complement of green, yellow is a complement of violet and so on.
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