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Warm And Cool Colors

Warm And Cool Colors. Warm colors— yellow, orange, red and combinations therein—breathe energy, positivity and a sense of sunshine into any room. Cool colors bring to mind cool things - a mountain stream, cool grass = blues, greens, purples.

The main difference between the two is that warm colors have the longest wavelengths on the spectrum. This theory is based upon that fact that the eye adjusts when focusing on colors of different wavelengths. The colors used in these charts are as follows: lemon yellow (cool) / new gamboge (warm) Quinacridone Rose (cool) / Pyrrol Scarlet (warm) Phthalo Blue (GS) (cool) / french ultramarine (warm) Cool colors — such as blue, green, and purple (violet); evoke a cool feeling because they remind us of things like water or grass.

There are warm and cool colors The interior palette is roughly divided between these two groups of color, and they are pretty self explanatory.

The confusion around warm and cool colors starts with the phrase being used in two different painting arenas.

Unlike warm colors, cool colors look as though they recede, making them great for small rooms that you want to appear larger. While cool colors consist of blue, purple and greens and the shades off of those that are cooler in color temperature. Warm colors are made up of colors such as reds, oranges and yellows.

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