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What Color Is My Aura

What Color Is My Aura. The one or two colors in your aura that are closest to your body, however, are your life colors. These colors typically do not change.

The presence of color is the easiest way to detect someone's aura. The aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds every creature that exists. Some people read the auras of others, and there are even special cameras designed to photograph the aura of.

The multi-colored aura is far more common than an aura radiating just one color.

The color makeup of one's aura is constantly changing, but it's usually dominated by one or two main shades that speak to baseline personality and tendencies.

One way is to squint into the mirror; another would be to buy special equipment. Bring with you many different colored objects. Aura Colors Meaning Chart Your aura's color is constantly in a state of flux, and it can change on a daily basis depending on your spirituality, personality, lifestyle, health, and a number of other factors.

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