Spanish Colors
Spanish Colors. Spanish for kids is always fun wh. Names of Common Spanish Colors Here are some common colors: The main colors in Spanish are: negro - black; marrón / café - brown; gris - gray / grey; blanco - white; amarillo - yellow; anaranjado / naranjo - orange ; rojo - red; rosado - pink; morado / púrpura - purple; azul - blue; verde - green; You will notice that for some colors there are two different words for it.
If a noun such as cereza (cherry) or naranja (orange) is used as a color by itself, many speakers do not modify it for number or gender.
Like in English, the colors in Spanish can function both as nouns and adjectives.
Learn Colors in Spanish Video. "Tapón" is on his way to meet Luna, the Indian master of numbers and colors. Full List of Colors in Spanish for Beginners. Colores is a Spanish immersion program where children can associate learning with laughter and fun.
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