Winter Hair Colors
Winter Hair Colors. Hey, it's often the only part of us that. The black diluted with cacao bean brown highlights is another matter.
The winter palette colors are high contrast, dark and cool. "This is a great complement for a dark winter wardrobe and works with both warm and cool skin tones," says celebrity colorist George Papanikolas. "Ask your colorist for very pale highlights, and, if your hair tends to go yellow, ask for a violet-based toner like Matrix Color Sync to neutralize and make the color its whitest and brightest.
Caramel & Honey balayage highlights sprinkled throughout the roots.
As you age your hair will turn a grey or salt and pepper color. This dimensional hair color has notes of brown, copper, and red that will add warmth to your look during the winter months. By Brooke Shunatona and Ruby Buddemeyer.
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