Aquamarine Color
Aquamarine Color. Natural, untreated aquamarine is light blue in color with hints of green speckled throughout. It is named after the mineral aquamarine, a gemstone mainly found in granite rocks.

Beryl can be many colors but when it's blue or blue-green it is called aquamarine.
Hence, look from various angles and if you see different colors displayed, you have aquamarine on your hand.
However, natural, untreated aquamarine is gemologically described as a transparent, blueish green variety of beryl. A piece that is radiant sky blue will be more than twice the price of a piece that has a faded hue, even if they both have the same quality of cut, clarity, and carat weight. Aquamarine Color The color of aquamarine ranges from pale blue to a strong dark blue or green/blue hue.
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